• Professor, Aerospace Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering
  • University Distinguished Professor
  • Robert C. “Bud” Hagner Chair of Engineering
Dimitris Lagoudas

Educational Background

  • Postdoctoral, Theoretical and Applied Physics/Mechanics, Cornell University, USA, and Max Planck Institute, Germany - 1986-88
  • Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, Lehigh University - 1986
  • Diploma, Mechanical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece - 1982

Awards & Honors

  • SPIE Smart Structures and Materials Lifetime Achievement Award, 2012
  • Presidential Award of Excellence for Faculty Service to International Students, 2011
  • William Sweet Smith Prize, IMechE, 2008
  • ASME Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Prize, 2006.

Selected Publications

  • Gardea, F., Glaz, B., Riddick, J., Lagoudas, D.C., Naraghi, M., 2016, “Thermally activated energy dissipation in semi-crystalline polymer nanocomposites,” Composites Science and Technology, pp. 275-286.
  • Peraza Hernandez, E.A., Hartl, D.J., Akleman, E., Lagoudas, D.C., 2016, “Modeling and analysis of origami structures with smooth folds,” Computer-Aided Design, pp. 93-106.
  • Baxevanis, T., Parrinello, A.F., Lagoudas, D.C., 2016, “On the driving force for crack growth during thermal actuation of shape memory alloys,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 89, pp. 255-271.
  • Jape, S., Solomou, A., Baxevanis, T., Lagoudas, D.C., 2016, “Fracture toughness of shape memory alloy actuators: effect of transformation-induced plasticity,” SPIE Smart Structures and Materials+Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, pp. 98000C-98000C-10.
  • Wheeler, R., Ottmers, C., Hewling, B., Lagoudas, D.C., 2016, “Actuator lifetime predictions for Ni60Ti40 shape memory alloy plate actuators,” SPIE Smart Structures and Materials+Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, pp. 98000E-98000E-11.
  • Saunders, R.N., Boyd, J.G., Hartl, D.J., Brown, J.K., Calkins, F.T., Lagoudas, D.C., 2016, “A validated model for induction heating of shape memory alloy actuators,” Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 25, Issue 4, p. 045022.
  • Jape, S., Baxevanis, T., Lagoudas, D.C., 2016, “Stable crack growth during thermal actuation of shape memory alloys,” Shape Memory and Superelasticity, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 104-113.
  • Solomou, A.G., Machairas, T.T., Saravanos, D.A., Hartl, D.J., Lagoudas, D.C., 2016 “A coupled layered thermomechanical shape memory alloy beam element with enhanced higher order temperature field approximations,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, pp. 1045389X16629572.
  • Gardea, F., Glaz, B., Riddick, J., Lagoudas, D.C., Naraghi, M., 2016, “Identification of energy dissipation mechanisms in CNT-reinforced nanocomposites,” Nanotechnology, Vol. 27, Issue 10, pp. 105707.
  • Peraza Hernandez, E.A., Hartl, D.J., Lagoudas, D.C., 2016, “Kinematics of Origami Structures with Smooth Folds,” Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics.