Learn about the Texas A&M University Engineering Honors (EH) Program for students in General Engineering (ENGR). This page applies to you if you have not yet completed the Entry to a Major (ETAM) process.
For questions about this track, please send an email to the Engineering Honors program at engineeringhonors@tamu.edu.
The basic requirements for all EH students are below. View your progress in the EH status portal. For a more detailed list of the basic requirements for EH, see the information section below. Once you have completed the ETAM process, you will fulfill the requirements for your department.
Each Semester:
- Maintain a 3.5 GPA
- Attend at least 1 EH activity
- See our EH activity calendar page for upcoming EH events
Each Academic Year (Fall & Spring semester):
- *Complete ENGR 181 and earn a grade of an S** (offered in the fall only each academic year)
- Attend a Freshmen Honors Meeting
- Complete the EH survey in May
*Note: This requirement is waived for students who did not join the program as freshman.
**Note: If students earn a U in or Q-drop ENGR 181, they are at risk for being put on probation until they can complete the course with an S.