Brick Basics
What is the Brick Campaign raising money for?
The Brick Campaign benefits the College of Engineering Brick Campaign Excellence Fund through the Texas A&M Foundation. The excellence fund allows the dean to respond to immediate needs of the college.
When will my brick be installed?
Typically, we install bricks in two large groups -- one in the spring before Family Weekend, and one in the fall before football season. For our most up-to-date Brick Campaign deadlines and updates, check our website and the College of Engineering social media platforms.
What is a commemorative brick?
A commemorative brick is an identical copy of your brick installed on Engineering Walk that is shipped to you. These are great for home or office décor or a gift. The bricks are 8x4 inches and may be purchased in addition to your brick for $150. Please note that we only ship commemorative bricks to those who are located in the United States due to shipping costs.
When will I receive my commemorative brick?
We will update you via email when commemorative bricks will be shipped from College Station to your address.
Brick Messages
What should I put on my brick?
Bricks are engraved in uppercase letters only. You can be creative with your brick. There is no standard format, and you’re welcome to customize your engraving in a fun way. You can use any keyboard characters, as well as the special character “❤.” The word “and” will be replaced with “&” for space and uniformity.
You may place any message on your brick that consists of keyboard characters in three lines of 15 characters each, as long as the message is deemed appropriate for public display. Below are a few common/favorite brick engraving choices:

Can I put multiple names on one brick?
Yes, you may place any message on your brick that consists of keyboard characters in three lines of 15 characters each, as long as the message is deemed appropriate for public display.
I have a message to put on my brick, but it won’t fit on the prescribed three lines of 15 characters. Can I still order a brick?
Yes, our team can help you abbreviate/re-order your message to make it fit into our engraving template. Email us at for help. You may also wish to purchase multiple bricks or change your message.
Ordering a Brick
How do I order a brick?
To order a brick, please use our online order form, fill out the information, and use the confirmation email to make your payment for your brick.
You may pay for your brick by card or check. If paying by check, please make checks payable to the Texas A&M Foundation with a notation in the memo line: #05-73988.
Can bricks be purchased using company matching?
Yes, please defer to your company for specific guidelines. Please note that if you intend to utilize a matching gift to purchase a brick, more time may be needed to complete your transaction. For our most up-to-date Brick Campaign deadlines and updates, check our website and the College of Engineering social media platforms.
Are my donations to the Brick Campaign tax-deductible?
Yes, all donations through the Texas A&M Foundation are tax-deductible.
Brick Placement
Can I request a particular spot on Engineering Walk? If a friend and I purchase bricks, or if I purchase multiple bricks, can those bricks be placed next to one another?
Unfortunately, we are unable to guarantee any positioning of bricks before installation. After installation, you will receive a map of Engineering Walk to help you find your brick.
Where is Engineering Walk?
Engineering Walk runs perpendicular to Bizzell Street and Spence Street on the Texas A&M University campus in College Station. The walk is directly outside the south entrance of the Zachry Engineering Education Complex. See a map of the Zachry building's location.