Aggie Artificial Intelligence Society
The purpose of the Aggie Artificial Intelligence Society (AAIS) is to provide resources and a sense of community to all interested in artificial intelligence (AI), including a forum for discussion for all students interested in AI, practical AI implementations, updates on current research and career networking.

Aggie Coding Club
The Aggie Coding Club provides Texas A&M University students that are interested in real-world experiences the opportunity to explore their careers and passions through project development. The club also provides a community where members can benefit from valuable networking opportunities.
Visit the Aggie Coding Club site

Aggie Competitive Programming Club
The Aggie Competitive Programming Club (ACPC) serves the student body of Texas A&M by providing members with the opportunity to learn, practice and teach others competitive programming techniques and algorithmic problem-solving skills. The organization fosters a drive for healthy competition and a love for learning among its members. Texas A&M has a rich history in competitive programming. In fact, the competition that grew into the International Collegiate Programming Contest started at Texas A&M in 1970! ACPC offers weekly topic-based meetings open to all Texas A&M students; all skill levels are welcome. In addition, ACPC runs programming contests with prizes for Texas A&M students.

Aggie Data Science Club
The Aggie Data Science Club (ADSC) provides students with an inner community to discuss ideas, explore their career paths and grow in their passion by working on real-world data science problems through team competitions. While data science is broad, the ADSC mostly focuses on the computer science-machine learning avenue of data science while still providing members the opportunities to explore the different career paths of data science. Some of the club’s activities include speakers from industry and academia, inter-club competitions hosted by Kaggle and workshops! Membership is open to all students at all levels from all departments - no experience with data science is necessary!
For more information, send an email to aggiedatascience@gmail.com.
Aggie Hispanics in Computing
Aggie Hispanics in Computing (AHIC) is a Texas A&M organization that is built on a community of university students who want to explore their interest in the field of technology and empowering Latinx/Hispanic students to succeed in careers in computing. AHIC embraces the mission and goals of Hispanics in Computing.
For more information, send an email to aggiehispanicsincomp@gmail.com.

Aggie Web Developers
Aggie Web Developers is an on-campus organization dedicated to empowering Aggies to build technical prowess in web development, network with peers and industry contacts, and learn more about careers in the technology industry. Our primary mission is to develop the next generation of professionals, entrepreneurs and hobbyists by providing students with an opportunity for growth in web development skills that are ethical and just. To achieve this mission, the organization provides workshops, social meetings, networking opportunities and team project opportunities to all members.

Aggie Women in Computer Science
Aggie Women in Computer Science (AWICS) is an organization for all women (students and faculty) in computer science at Texas A&M. AWICS is a chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery's Council on Women in Computing. Their activities include socializing, mentoring and professional development. Organization members participate in regular study breaks and recreational events, administer a peer-mentoring program for members, and maintain an electronic mailing list and a web page. They also have various other special events and programs throughout the year.
Visit the AWICS site
Computer Science and Engineering Graduate Student Association
The Computer Science and Engineering Graduate Students Association (CSEGSA) has been actively involved in enhancing the graduate student experience at Texas A&M for more than 15 years. The CSEGSA aims to provide a forum to disseminate useful information and also allow students to actively participate in pertinent decisions, thus ensuring a productive work environment. Student participation in departmental policies allows them to develop critical thinking and also leadership skills.
Visit the CSEGSA site

The purpose of QuantA&M is to connect students with the resources they need to learn more about the development, implementation and application of quantum computing technology.
For more information, send an email to tamu.quantum@gmail.com

Student Engineers' Council
The Student Engineers’ Council (SEC) is the representative body for all students in the Texas A&M University College of Engineering. Formed by the dean of engineering in 1939, the SEC represents the concerns of engineering students and professional societies to the college administration and to the university as a whole.
Visit the SEC site
Texas A&M Cybersecurity Club
The Texas A&M Cybersecurity Club is a cross-disciplinary student organization devoted to the study and practice of cybersecurity skills. The club's activities include speakers from industry and academia, and participating in cybersecurity capture the flag events, the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition and Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge. Membership is open to students at all levels and from all departments. No prior experience is necessary!
For more information, send an email to tamucybersec@gmail.com

TAMUhack seeks to foster a community of student developers that create and innovate beyond what is taught in the classroom mainly through hackathons that they attend all around the country. People in our community have gone to the University of Pennsylvania, Facebook headquarters, University of California, Berkeley, Georgia Institute of Technology, The University of Texas at Austin, UT Dallas and many other schools across the country. TAMUhack is not a conventional club as they have no set meeting dates, or membership dues. It is just the community, friendship and a passion for our field that brings the members together to work on awesome projects.
Visit the TAMUhack site

Texas A&M Computing Society
Since 1973, the Texas A&M Computing Society (TACS) has been dedicated to fostering an environment for students to explore, engage and advance the art, science, engineering, and application of information technology. As the student chapter of both the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' Computer Society, the organization encourages and supports professional development by sponsoring industry speakers and providing numerous networking opportunities. In addition, they focus on personal growth and continued learning with venues like the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, Techapaloozas and student research competitions. TACS also helps computer science students with regular class reviews, hosting projects and provides a way for student concerns to be brought to the faculty and staff.
Visit the TACS site

Texas Aggie Game Developers
Texas Aggie Game Developers (TAGD) was formed at Texas A&M over the summer of 2003 by Jacob Forsee and a group of students who all shared a similar passion for making video games. Realizing that getting a job in the games industry with solely a degree in computer science was simply not realistic, this organization was established to help students learn and gain experience in game development. Over the years, TAGD has evolved its ways of learning, gaining experience and setting priorities for its members to be coherent with the present and the future expectations of the industry.
Visit the TAGD site

Upsilon Pi Epsilon
The mission of Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) is to recognize academic excellence at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in the computing and information disciplines.
Visit the UPE site
Women in Cybersecurity
Women in Cybersecurity (WiCys) is a chapter of an international organization that seeks to bring diversity to the field of cybersecurity and encourage growth amongst all individuals. We have an annual conference, weekly meetings, socials, and compete in Capture the Flag competitions. All skill levels are welcome.