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Taking the Math Placement Exam

The Math Placement Exam is offered in an online, proctored setting via Respondus Monitor® - an online proctoring platform that is accessible from Canvas.

The earlier you complete your exam, the more options you will have to become calculus-ready for the fall semester.

On the day of your exam, plan on the following.

  • Login to Canvas to access and take the MPE; access will begin one month prior to your NSC.
  • You will not be able to access any other websites once you begin, so please make sure you have read all necessary documentation before beginning your exam.
  • You will not be able to leave the room until your exam is complete.
  • You are expected to take the exam on your own without the help of others.
  • You must abide by the Aggie Code of Honor.
  • Calculators (of any type) are not allowed while taking the MPE.
  • No additional resources (e.g., textbooks, cheat sheets, formula charts, web searches, etc.) of any type are allowed on MPE.
  • Do not use Internet Explorer when accessing the MPE.
  • It may take 24 hours for scores to appear in Howdy.