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Learn more about the materials science and engineering Materials Design Capstone Project to match the opportunity that's right for you.

Scalable and affordable synthesis and processing of materials are fundamental for their facile implementation. Our faculty is at the forefront of the synthesis and processing of a wide range of materials that can bring new technologies to fruition. Research topics range from high-entropy and shape memory alloys, damage, heat and oxidation tolerant ceramics to self-healing and damage tolerant polymers and novel 2D materials.

Core Faculty

Sarbajit Banerjee

  • Professor, Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering
  • Davidson Chair in Science
Sarbajit Banerjee

Jeffrey Bullard

  • Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering
Jeffrey Bullard

Ibrahim Karaman

  • Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
  • Department Head, Materials Science & Engineering
  • Chevron Professor I
Ibrahim Karaman

Yuxuan 'Cosmi' Lin

  • Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Yuxuan 'Cosmi' Lin

Emily Pentzer

  • Professor, Materials Science & Engineering and Chemistry
  • Presidential Impact Fellow, Texas A&M University
  • Affiliated Faculty, Chemical Engineering
Emily Pentzer

Miladin Radovic

  • Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
  • Associate Department Head
  • Director, Materials Characterization Facility
Miladin Radovic

Hung-Jue Sue

  • Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
  • Meinhard H. Kotzebu ‘14 Professor
  • Director, Polymer Technology Consortia
Hung-Jue Sue

Svetlana A. Sukhishvili

  • Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
  • Director, Soft Matter Facility
Svetlana A. Sukhishvili

Edwin L. (Ned) Thomas

  • Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
  • Erle Nye ’59 Chair II
  • Permanent Member, Hagler Institute for Advanced Study
  • Member, National Academy of Engineering
Edwin L. (Ned) Thomas