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Research Faculty

Robin Murphy

  • Raytheon Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Robin Murphy

Dylan Shell

  • Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Dylan Shell

Shawna Thomas

  • Instructional Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
  • Undergraduate Advisor
  • Office: PETR 319 | Advising: EABA 104
  • Phone: 979-862-8877
  • Email:
Shawna Thomas

Courses Offered

CSCE 635. AI Robotics. Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours. 1 Lab Hour.

Introduction and survey of artificial intelligence methods for mobile robots (ground, aerial, or marine) for science and engineering majors; theory and practice of unmanned systems, focusing on biological and cognitive principles which differ from control theory formulations.

Prerequisite: CSCE 350/ECEN 350/ECEN 350/CSCE 350.

CSCE 643. Seminar in Intelligent Systems and Robotics. Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours

Problems, methods and recent developments in intelligent systems and robotics. May be taken at multiple times for credit as content varies. 

Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.