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  • 18 hours of required technical electives
  • Each student must take a total of 4 ISEN technical electives (12 credit hours) and 2 non-ISEN technical electives (6 credit hours). 

**ISEN technical elective course offerings vary each semester**

Please check Howdy to see which electives are being currently offered.

To review all possible electives and their descriptions, please visit the undergraduate catalog program requirements or industrial and systems engineering undergraduate course descriptions.

List of Approved ISEN Technical Electives

ISEN 360: Lean Thinking and Lean Engineering. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in STAT 211; junior or senior classification.
ISEN 405: Facilities Design and Material Handling. Prerequisites: ISEN 210 and ISEN 320; junior or senior classification.
ISEN 408: Supply Chain and Logistics. Prerequisites: ISEN 320, ISEN 340 and ISEN 370; junior or senior classification.
ISEN 410: Advanced Engineering Economy. Prerequisites: ISEN 210 or ISEN 302; junior or senior classification.
ISEN 411: Engineering Management Techniques. Prerequisite: Senior classification in industrial engineering.
ISEN 413: Advanced Data Analytics for Industry. Prerequisites: ISEN 310 and ISEN 350; junior or senior classification.
ISEN 414: Total Quality Engineering. Prerequisites: STAT 211; junior or senior classification.
ISEN 425: Design and Analysis of Industrial Systems with Simulation. Prerequisites: ISEN 210 and ISEN 355.
ISEN 427/DAEN 427: Decision and Risk Analysis. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in ISEN 310, DAEN 321 or STAT 212.
ISEN 433: Biomechanics of Work. Prerequisites: ISEN 330 or approval of instructor; junior or senior classification.
ISEN 434: Human Error and Resilient Systems Design. Prerequisites: ISEN 330; junior or senior classification.
ISEN 440: Systems Thinking. Prerequisites: MATH 304 or approval of instructor; junior or senior classification.
ISEN 441: System Reliability Engineering. Prerequisites: STAT 211 w/MIN grade C.
ISEN 442: Organizational Systems. Prerequisites: ISEN 330; junior or senior classification.
ISEN 450: Healthcare Systems Engineering. Prerequisites: ISEN 340 and ISEN 355, or approval of instructor; junior or senior classification.
ISEN 453: Manufacturing Operations. Prerequisite: Vary depending on topic.
ISEN 489: Special Topics. Prerequisite: ISEN 310 or MATH 411; junior or senior classification. 
ISEN 491:  Research. Credit 1-4. Check application process with advisors.


List of Approved Non-ISEN Technical Electives (Directed Electives)

CVEN 349: Civil Engineering Project Management. Prerequisite: CVEN 202 or registration therein; CVEN 322 or 422.
ECON 311: Money and Banking. Prerequisite: ECON 203.
ECON 323: Microeconomics Theory. Prerequisite: ECON 202. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ECON 202; grade of C or better in MATH 142, MATH 151 or MATH 171; also taught at Galveston campus. 
ECON 410: Macroeconomics Theory. Prerequisite: ECON 203.
ECON 425: The Organization of Industry. Prerequisite: ECON 323 with a grade of C or better.
ECON 459: Games and Economic Behavior. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in ECON 323; MATH 142, MATH 131, MATH 151 or MATH 171.
MTDE 333: Project Management for Engineers. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification in the College of Engineering.
ENGR 385X3: Problem for Co-op Students. Prerequisite: Approval of associate department head.
FINC 409: Survey of Finance Principals. Prerequisites: ACCT 209 or 229; junior or senior classification; for students other than business and agribusiness.
MATH 407: Complex Variables. Prerequisite: MATH 221, MATH 251 or MATH 253.
MATH 409: Analysis on the Real Line. Prerequisites: MATH 300; MATH 221, MATH 251 or MATH 253.
MATH 411: Mathematical Probability. Prerequisite: MATH 221, MATH 251 or MATH 253.
MATH 414: Fourier Series and Wavelets. Prerequisite: MATH 222, 304 or 311.
MATH 417: Numerical Methods. Prerequisites: MATH 304, MATH 309, MATH 311 or MATH 323; MATH 308; ability to program; junior or senior classification.
MATH 423: Linear Algebra II. Prerequisite:MATH 300 or CSCE 222/ECEN222; MATH 304 or MATH 323, or approval of instructor.
MATH 425: The Mathematics of Contingent Claims. Prerequisites: MATH 308; MATH 411, STAT 211 or STAT 414
MATH 442: Mathematical Modeling. Prerequisites: MATH 304, MATH 309, MATH 311 or MATH 323; MATH 308 or equivalent.
MATH 467: Modern Geometry. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MATH 304, MATH 309, MATH 311, MATH 300 or MATH 323.
MATH 469: Introduction to Mathematical Biology. Prerequisites: MATH 304 or MATH 323; MATH 308 or equivalent.
MATH 470: Communications and Cryptography. Prerequisites: MATH 304, MATH 309, MATH 311 or MATH 323; CSCE 110, CSCE 111, CSCE 121, CSCE 206 or ENGR 102; approval of instructor.
MEEN 475: Materials in Design. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MEEN 360 and MEEN 361.
MGMT 309: Survey of Mgmt. Prerequisites: Junior classification; non-business majors.
MKTG 409: Principles of Marketing. Prerequisites: Junior classification; for students other than business or agribusiness majors.
PBSI 315: Social Psychology. Prerequisites: PBSI 107.
SENG 310: Industrial Hygiene Engineering. Prerequisite: CHEM 107; MATH 308; PHYS 208; or approval of instructor.
SENG 312: System Safety Engineering. Prerequisite: Junior classification.
SENG 321: Industrial Safety Engineering. Prerequisite: Junior classification.
SENG 455: Process Safety Engineering. Prerequisite: Senior classification in any engineering major. Cross-listed with CHEN 455.
SENG 477: Air Pollution Engineering. Prerequisite: ENGR 214 or equivalent. Cross-listed with AGEN 477 and MEEN 477.
STAT 315: Computational Data Science. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in ENGR 102 or prior programming experience; grade of C or better in MATH 251, MATH 253 or STAT 211; junior or senior classification. Cross listed with CSCE 305 and ECEN 360.
STAT 335/CSCE 320: Principles of Data Science. Prerequisites: STAT 211 or ECEN 303; STAT 212 or CSCE 222/ECEN 222.
STAT 404: Statistical Computing. Prerequisites: STAT 212; junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.
STAT 408: Introduction to Linear Models. Prerequisites: STAT 212; MATH 304 or MATH 323.
STAT 414: Mathematical Statistics. Prerequisite: MATH 221, 251 or 253.
STAT 421: Machine Learning. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MATH 304, MATH 311 or MATH 323; grade of C or better in STAT 211, STAT 404 or CSCE 2221, or ECEN 303, and CSCE 121 or CSCE 120. Cross listed with CSCE 421 and ECEN 427.

If there is a technical course in another department you are interested in, contact an advisor. Most 400 level College of Engineering, College of Business, MATH and STAT courses can be submitted for review.