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Welcome to The J. Mike Walker '66 Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University!

The Texas A&M University Undergraduate Catalog provides a great deal of information about mechanical engineering, including:

Detailed Program Requirements

Please note that program requirement listings are “ideal” degree plans (4 years to degree completion). Actual time to graduation may be affected by many different factors, including Advanced Placement (AP) Credit and participation in Cooperative Education.

If you entered our program in an earlier year than the current catalog version, visit the catalog archives page to find your requirements.

University Core Curriculum Courses

Technical Electives

ENGR[x] Approved Activities

MEEN Technical Electives

Mechanical and Manufacturing Systems Electives

MEEN 408* — Introduction to Robotics (Prerequisites: MEEN 364 or equivalent; junior or senior classification)

MEEN 411 — Mechanical Controls (Prerequisites: MEEN 364)

MEEN 430 — Nanomaterials (Prerequisites: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor)

MEEN 431 — Advanced System Dynamics and Controls (Prerequisites: MEEN 364; junior or senior classification)

MEEN 432 — Automotive Engineering (Prerequisites: MEEN 363)

MEEN 434* — Dynamics and Modeling of Mechatronics Systems (Prerequisites: MEEN 364)

MEEN 440* — Bio-Inspired Design (Prerequisites: MEEN 368 or BMEN 361 or BAEN 375)

MEEN 441 – Design of Mechanical Components and Systems (Prerequisites: Grade C or better in MEEN 368)

MEEN 442* — Computer-Aided Engineering (Prerequisites: MEEN 363 and MEEN 368)

MEEN 444 — Finite Element Analysis in Mechanical Engineering (Prerequisites: MEEN 357 and MEEN 368 or equivalents)

MEEN 445* — Mechanics of Compliant Materials (Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MEEN 344)

MEEN 451* — Viscoelastic Materials (Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MEEN 368)

MEEN 453 — Additive & Subtractive Processes in Custom Man. (Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MEEN 360 or MEEN 361, or equivalent)

MEEN 455 — Engineering with Plastics (Prerequisites: MEEN 222/MSEN 222; junior or senior classification)

MEEN 458 — Processing and Characterization of Polymers (Prerequisites: MEEN 222/MSEN 222)

MEEN 459* — Sound and Vibration Measurements (Prerequisites: MEEN 363; MATH 308)

MEEN 460* — Corrosion Engineering (Prerequisites: MEEN 360 and MEEN 361, or equivalent)

MEEN 467* — Mechanical Behavior of Materials (Prerequisites: MEEN 360 and MEEN 361)

MEEN 471* — Elements of Composite Materials (Prerequisites: MEEN 360, MEEN 361, and MEEN 368)

MEEN 475 — Materials in Design (Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MEEN 360 and MEEN 361)

Thermo-fluid and Energy Systems Elective

MEEN 406* — Energy Management in Industry (Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MEEN 260 and MEEN 315)

MEEN 410* — Internal Combustion Engines (Prerequisites: MEEN 344 or equivalent)

MEEN 417 — Basics of Plasma Engineering and Applications (Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in PHYS 208 or equivalent; senior classification in NUEN, MEEN, AERO, or PHYS)

MEEN 421 — Thermal-Fluids Analysis and Design (Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MEEN 461)

MEEN 435 — Compressed Air Systems (Prerequisite: C or better in MEEN 315)

MEEN 436 — Principles of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MEEN 344 or equivalent)

MEEN 437 — Principles of Building Energy Analysis (Prerequisites: MEEN 315 or equivalent; junior or senior classification)

MEEN 439* — Solar Energy Engineering (Prerequisites: MEEN 315)

MEEN 454* — Tribology - Mechanical Interface Design (Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MEEN 344 and MEEN 368)

MEEN 463* — Cogeneration Systems (Prerequisites: MEEN 421 or equivalent)

MEEN 469* — Alternative Energy Conservation (Prerequisites: MEEN 315)

MEEN 472* — Gas Dynamics (Prerequisites: MEEN 344)

MEEN 477 — Air Pollution Engineering (Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in BAEN 340, CVEN311/EVEN 311, or MEEN 344)


Data Science and Experimentation Technical Electives

MEEN 423 — Machine Learning for Mechanical Engineers (Prerequisites: MEEN 357)

MEEN 404 — Engineering Laboratory (Prerequisites: MEEN 360, MEEN 361, MEEN 364, and MEEN 461; MEEN 401 or concurrent enrollment)

MEEN 433* — Mechatronics (Prerequisites: MEEN 364 or equivalent)

General Elective

MEEN 490* — Entrepreneurship in Nano and Energy Systems (Prerequisites: MEEN 344)

MEEN 497* - Innovation Mindset for Design and Research in Mechanical and Manufacturing Systems Electives

Special Topics - One-time course offerings in a new interest area

MEEN 489 — Special Topics Course in Mechanical Engineering (Check Howdy for current offerings and prerequisites)

* May be offered stacked with a graduate course and taken as part of the Fast Track Program. See advisor for more details.

Non-MEEN Technical Electives (no more than 3 hours)

Students may take non-MEEN courses, either within or outside the College of Engineering, to satisfy technical elective requirements. All non-MEEN technical electives must be approved by the undergraduate advising office, using the following set of criteria:

  1. Course has a discipline-specific prerequisite.
  2. Course content requires advanced math skills (i.e., Math 251).
  3. Course uses formal analytical methods and requires quantitative coursework.
  4. Course material provides a deep understanding of a specific technical discipline.

Based on previous practice, the following courses are pre-approved as non-MEEN technical electives:

  • ENGR Project ManagementMinor 300 or 400 level engineering courses
  • Polymer Specialty Certificate — 300 or 400 level engineering or science courses
  • Safety Engineering Specialty Certificate 300 or 400 level engineering courses
  • Aerospace Engineering — AERO 303, 321
  • Architecture — ARCH 619 (requires graduate credit approval form; see advisor for details)
  • Astronomy — ASTR 314
  • Biological & Agricultural Engineering — BAEN 412, 422 (cross-listed with CHEN 422)
  • Biochemistry — BICH 410
  • Biomedical Engineering — BMEN 448, 458
  • Chemistry — CHEM 227, 228, 315, 322, 422
  • Chemical Engineering — CHEN 422 (cross-listed with BAEN 422), 430 (cross-listed with SENG 430), 451
  • Civil Engineering — CVEN 322
  • Computer Science — CSCE 312, 313, 314
  • Electrical Engineering — ECEN 314, 325, and 441
  • Electronic Systems Engineering Technology — ESET 369
  • Geology GEOL 404
  • Industrial & Systems Engineering — ISEN 430, 440 (prerequisite MATH 304)
  • Materials Science — MSEN 320, 325, 420, 458
  • Mathematics — MATH 304, 311, 323, 401, 407, 409, 411,
  • 412, 414, 425, 433, 470
  • Nuclear Engineering — NUEN 301
  • Physics — PHYS 222 (only if NOT taken as part of a Physics Minor)
  • Petroleum Engineering — PETE 310, 311, 325, 353, 355
  • Safety Engineering — SENG 310, 430, 455
  • Statistics — STAT 414
  • CO-OP ENGR 385 (3 hours may be used)

MEEN or Non-MEEN MEEN 485/491 (possibly up to 3 hours each) upon approval by the advising office. A proposal is required for review and approval by the advising office before the first week of class; see an advisor for details. Both 485 and 491 can be reviewed and approved as 485H and 491H.

ENGR[x] approved activities for J. Mike Walker ‘66 Department of Mechanical Engineering

The goal is for our undergraduate MEEN students to have experiences beyond our engineering degree requirements that make them more attractive to employers and graduate schools.

  • MEEN 399 (Zero credit course)
    1. 3/501 Summer internship*
    2. 3/502 Aggie’s Invent 
    3. 3/503 Startup Aggieland
    4. 3/504 Engineers without Borders Project 
    5. 3/505 Design competitions, as approved by the department
    6. 3/506 Leadership in engineering student organizations
    7. 3/507 TAMU minor as approved by department**
    8. 3/508 TAMU certificate as approved by department***
    9. 3/509 University Honors Program
    10. 3/510 Study Abroad experience
    11. 3/511 Other high-impact learning experience as approved by the department
      1. Bachelor’s + Program
  • ENGR 385 Co-op job experience in engineering.
  • Any 291 or 491 research 

*Industry practice to familiarize students with mechanical engineering applications and operations.

**Engineering minors, Engineering Project Management minor, and other minors as approved by the department.

***Energy Engineering, International Engineering, Zachry Leadership Program, Engineering Honors and other certificate programs as approved by the department.

MEEN 399 would be taken upon completion of the experience. For example, summer internship, MEEN 399 would be taken in the fall semester after the internship.

See your assigned advisor for more details