- Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- Chair, Faculty Mentoring and Success, Mechanical Engineering
- Linda & Ralph Schmidt ‘68 Professor
- College of Engineering Faculty Ombudsperson
- Phone: 979-458-3579
- FAX: 979-845-3081
- Email: amuliana@tamu.edu
- Office: MEOB 228
- Research Website

Educational Background
- Ph.D, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Georgia Institute of Technology – 2004
- M.S, Civil Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology – 1999
- B.S, Civil Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology – 1997
Research Interests
- Durability of polymers and composites exposed to harsh environments
- Nonlinear constitutive modeling of polymers and composites
- Thermal stresses and warpages
- Multi-scale analyses of heterogeneous structures
- Temporal and spatial analyses of multi-field problems
- Flexible and reconfigurable structures
- Plant biomechanics
- Structural and computational mechanics
Certifications & Memberships
- Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers – 2016
Awards & Honors
- Cain Faculty Fellow I – 2016-2019
- William Keeler Memorial Award – 2016
- Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) Faculty Fellow – 2016
- William Keeler Memorial Award – 2015
- The Dean of Engineering Excellence Award, College of Engineering at Texas A&M University – 2015
Selected Publications
- Song* R and Muliana A, “Modeling Mechanical Behaviors of Plant Stems undergoing Microstructural Changes” Mechanics of Materials, 139, 103175, 2019
- Gomez FE, Mullet JE, Muliana AH, Niklas KJ, and Rooney WL “The Genetic Architecture of Biomechanical Traits in Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)” accepted Crop Science 2019
- Gagani A, Fan* Y, Muliana A, and Echtermeyer A, “Micromechanical Modeling of Anisotropic Water Diffusion in Glass Fiber Epoxy Reinforced Composites” Journal Composite Materials, 52, 2321-2335, 2018
- Xing* J, Radovic M, and Muliana A, “A Nonlinear Constitutive Model for Describing Cyclic Mechanical Responses of BaTiO3/Ag Composites” Acta Mechanica, 228, pp. 2017-2032, 2017
- Tajeddini* V and Muliana A, “Deformation of Flexible and Foldable Electro-active Composite Structures” Composite Structures, 160, pp. 280-291, 2017