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Dr. Mike McShane headshot

In recognition of our program’s 50th anniversary, we are focusing our development efforts on giving students the best chance for success in their degrees. It is immensely important that our students be financially able to complete their education and that our department celebrate the achievements of our top students.

Dr. Mike McShane

Ways to Give

The Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University sincerely appreciates your interest in our funding initiatives and philanthropic causes for support. The gifts we receive help determine the future of our department by helping to encourage and attract the best and brightest students as well as obtain and retain the best faculty. We welcome this opportunity to partner with you and greatly appreciate your support!

50 for 50 Scholarship Campaign

Due to the demand for engineers, our student population has increased rapidly. Our ability to reward student achievements and support those struggling to afford tuition continues to be a top need and priority. Scholarships provide opportunities for our undergraduate students to continue their education.

In recognition of our 50th anniversary, we have established a goal to create 50 new scholarships. Contributions toward the “50 for 50” campaign will have an impact on the department and students for decades to come.

Give to Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships

Graduate Student National Excellence Fellows

Faced with the challenge of encouraging students to pursue advanced degrees, graduate fellowships help recruit and retain top-notch graduate students. Fellowships can provide and help them offset the cost of tuition. Targeted fellowships can provide students unique opportunities for experience in undergraduate teaching, clinical immersion, specialized research projects, and more.

Give to the National Excellence Fellows Program Fund

Biomedical Engineering Program Enhancement Fund

These funds provide general support to the department for a variety of endeavors that include professional development for faculty, staff and students, student organization support; development activities; award recognition and more.

Give to Biomedical Engineering Program Enhancement Fund

Biomedical Engineering Endowed Legacy Funds

These funds directly support our students by providing scholarships and fellowships through a competitive process.

Special Opportunities

Unique opportunities exist for gifts at the level of naming individual laboratories or the department itself. For further discussions of gifts of this nature, please contact a member of our development team.