Students applying to the M.Eng./MBA program will first begin with the MBA portion of the program. This eighteen-month degree program is condensed into twelve months specifically for dual degree students. Following completion of the MBA program, students will transition directly into the M.Eng. program via Letter of Intent. The M.Eng BMEN program can typically be completed in 1.5 years, but is flexible depending on previous degrees, biomedical engineering background, and the length of the mandatory internship.
As a student approaches the end of their MBA program, they should reach out to the BME Graduate Academic Advisor listed below to discuss the transition plan from MBA to M.Eng. BMEN.
All incoming MBA students, including M.Eng./MBA students are automatically considered for scholarship support during the MBA portion of the program. No additional scholarship application is required. While no fellowships are available to M.Eng. BMEN students through this program, funding availability in biomedical engineering may be available through TA and grader positions.
As a student approaches the end of their MBA program, they should reach out to the BME Graduate Academic Advisor to discuss the transition plan from MBA to M.Eng. BMEN.
Visit our course catalog for course details.
Visit the MBA website for more information.